EBSCO Digital Libraries:
At the top of the EBSCO page, you have EBSCOhost Web. Using this option will allow you to search most of our EBSCO paid content at once. Sometimes this can be useful, but sometimes it can be overwhelming. Try one of the following individual databases based on your information needs:
ABC-CLIO World History: The Modern Era
Biography Reference Center --This database offers full-text biographies and unique narrative biographies
History Reference Center -- features full text for thousands of primary source documents and informational texts.
Literary Reference Center
Points of View Reference Center -- 400 topics, each with an overview, point (argument) and counterpoint (opposing argument). Perfect for Pro/Con research
Proquest Digital Libraries: US
Major Dailies - New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, Wall Street Journal.
Save articles to your Google Drive!
Proquest and EBSCO allow you to save article directly to folders in your Google drive. Save your research for easy access to your articles as well as proof of your research. Your files will represent a digital trail of your work.
Google Image Search
Images found using Google are not necessarily free to use! If you use images found through Google, make sure they are marked Creative Commons and read the usage guidelines to ensure your use fits within the parameters. Use of an image does NOT mean you don't need a citation. School districts have been sued for breaking copyright. For information on finding images on the web, visit the Finding Images on the Web LibGuide 5430257. Ask a librarian if you have questions.
These can be accessed directly from Gmail. The resources can be downloaded directly to your Google drive for use later just like our other paid resources.
A public library card provides even more digital resources including ebooks and audiobooks. All Delaware County residents can obtain public library cards free of charge with proof of residency at a public library.