Site that helps you create virtual field trips (VFTs), connect to guest speakers, and facilitates collaborations using tech. Some are free, some are fee-based.
The Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC), established in 1994 as a nonprofit, specializes in the access to applications and the utilization of video conferencing for live interactive content and professional development, as well as web based collaborative learning environments for K-20 education.
A global non-profit organization that empowers teachers and young people to work using communications technologies in collaborative projects to solve real-world problems.
GEM is a non-profit organization formed to help schools and the community meet the complex challenges of living in a global society.
It is a non-government organization in association with the United Nations Department of Public Information and is headquartered at Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia, PA (USA).
WorldVuze is a free non-profit platform where K-12 students can safely share and explore a diversity of perspectives with other students around the world on questions posted by classrooms, non profit organizations, and experts.
Global Youth Debates is a Flat Connections global project that provides a unique global collaborative experience for joining diverse cultures in authentic debate to foster global competence, international mindedness and action.